Contact Us

Head Offices

Telepaty Holding

Telepaty Lebanon: 1st Floor Telepaty Building - Al-mina Corniche

Tripoli - Lebanon

P.O. Box: 1111

Switch Board:

Phone: +961 6 222267, +961 6 215610,1,2

Tel/Fax: +961 6 215613

Mobile: +961 70707575, +961 3 390488


Telepaty Europe: 65 Avenue Louise, bte 11, 1050 Brussels-Belgium

Phone: +32(0) 2 535 7816

Fax: +32(0) 2 535 7700

Mobile: +32(0) 49 777 7777, +32(0) 49 6200000, +32(0) 49 630 0000




Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to receive further information regarding any of our products or services.